Terms and conditions of business

1. Scope of applicability
These terms of business apply to the use of the booking and reservation systems for accommodation places via the online platform, telephone, e-mail or by any other means, hereinafter referred to as the booking and reservation system. Those parties using the booking and reservation system for the purpose of placing a booking or reservation or for the procurement of information, shall hereinafter be referred to as the traveling party. The booking and reservation system is a service of the Corporate Rates Club department of TourisMarketing Service GmbH, hereinafter referred to as the Corporate Rates Club.
2. Bookings/reservations
All reservation inquiries and bookings will be forwarded to accommodation providers by the Corporate Rates Club on behalf of the traveling party. Bookings are binding for the traveling party and the respective accommodation provider. Reservations are not binding. Binding bookings may only be made by legally capable parties over 18 years of age.
3. Cancelations/changes
Cancelations or changes to a booking must take place via the booking and reservation system.
4. Accommodation contract/payment
An accommodation contract comes immediately about between the traveling party and the respective accommodation provider. All rights and responsibilities arising from the accommodation contract are immediate and exist exclusively between the traveling party and the respective accommodation provider.

Booking on invoice:

The guest does not pay directly at the hotel: After the guest's departure the hotel sends an invoice about the booked amount to the given address. Services used (such as mini bar, pay tv etc.) are to be paid directly at the hotel by the guest. The same applies for costs resulting from no-show or if not canceled in time.

Booking on credit card:

The guest pays directly at he hotel on his own account. If the booking is not canceled in time or in case of no-show the hotel will claim the costs from the guest. Payment is made directly by the traveling party to the respective accommodation provider.

The Hotel will be informed about the form of payment on the booking confirmation.
5. Engagement of a third party
The Corporate Rates Club has the right to engage a third party for the purpose of providing all services.
6. Information relating to accommodation possibilities
The Corporate Rates Club collects all information and details with the greatest possible care. The Corporate Rates Club is not liable for possible errors in the transmission or recording of information. The information content is based upon the data provided by the accommodation providers themselves. Furthermore, the traveling party accepts that the content provided may contain errors and/or that the respective accommodation provider's data has not yet been updated. The prices and conditions that apply to to the respective booking (cancelation conditions, inclusive/non inclusive breakfast) will be presented in the booking. The general information about the respective accommodation provider serves solely as advance information. Possible incidental country-specific or location-specific taxes, surcharges or additional costs are not reflected in the prices provided, unless otherwise stated.
7. Insurance; passport, visa, customs, foreign currency and health regulations
The Corporate Rates Club recommends taking out of a travel insurance package, particularly a trip cancelation insurance and/or foreign health insurance, where appropriate. The traveling party is responsible for the observance of passport-, visa-, customs-, currency- and health regulations. In so far as the information mentioned above is provided on our web pages, it is assumed by the Corporate Rates Club that the traveling party is a German citizen. Other regulations may apply for traveling parties of other nationalities. The Corporate Rates Club explicitly states that there is a possibility of changes to regulations by the respective national and foreign authorities. Therefore the Corporate Rates Club is not responsible for the correctness of this information, in so far as damage arising from incorrect information is neither deliberate nor grossly negligent on the part of the Corporate Rates Club, unless a breach of contractual duties is evident. It is recommended that the traveling party inform themselves about the content of and, if applicable, changes in regulations of the countries of departure and destination, e.g. inform themselves by consulting the respective authorities or other applicable information sources.
8. Data security
The Corporate Rates Club processes the data referring to persons in compliance with the applicable laws on data protection The data received from the traveling party and which refer to his/her person (title, name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, bank connection, beginning and end of his/her relation with Corporate Rates Club) are only registered, processed and used to the extent necessary for the establishment, implementation or modification of the direct or intermediary business relation. The Corporate Rates Club is entitled to transmit these data to partners acting upon Corporate Rates Club orders, to the extent this is necessary for the execution of reservation inquiries or bookings.
9. Miscellaneous
9.1. The use of data, or parts thereof, as well as the takeover of data, or parts thereof, into other data carriers, is not permitted.
9.2. It is the duty of the traveling party to protect the access information of the booking and reservation system against misuse by a third party. Should the traveling party detect the misuse of his/her access information, the Corporate Rates Club must be informed immediately, in order for the access information to be blocked.
9.3. In some cases, due to technical deviations, it may occur that a price quoted during a vacancy enquiry can deviate from the price of the final booking. In these cases, the price stated in the booking confirmation is binding.
9.4. German Law applies for all possible legal matters concerning the parties. Stralsund is the place of jurisdiction and performance. The Corporate Rates Club reserves the right to change the place of jurisdiction.
9.5. Should individual provisions of these terms of business be or become entirely or partly ineffective, the legal effect of the remaining provisions will not be affected. In their place, a suitable ruling will arise, which - as far as is legally permissible - aims to correspond as closely as possible to the ineffective ruling.